Hey friends!
This dog is a res dog in Manitoba and was accidentally run over. He is non ambulatory in his hind legs and he cannot urinate on his own, which in indicative of spinal trauma.
Because he’s so far away, we’ve had to get him to a vet to get him stable and to get x-rays done right away.
We sent the x-rays to Canada West Neuro team for review and we are also having a radiologist review them today.
The closest place to get the dog a CT SCAN is in Saskatoon. Because we don’t have a diagnosis, we cannot transport him to us here in BC, as that could be unsafe for him.
I’m working with a great team, some who are here and some who are in Manitoba, to try to get this 2 year old dog the help he needs.
I’ve already send 350$ to get vetting started, I’m also going to send 200$ today for an ultrasound and to cover some overnight fees.
Boarding is 209$ per day and were not sure how long he will need to be boarded because of course…. It’s a long weekend!!!
His CT SCAN will cost the usual … Likely around 3000$. We’d like to raise these funds asap to get at diagnosis.
If his prognosis is good, and is a surgical candidate, we could move forward if we raise enough funds for him.
This is an emergency case and funds are urgently needed!
Please donate any amount if you can so we can save this dogs life. His life matters.
Donations are tax deductible and can be sent via e transfer to lowermainlandhumanesociety@gmail.com
Or through our Canada Helps Page at
Help us save a life today.
Thank you rescue village!